Continuing from last weeks spit and polish I made some further improvements to the user interface. The game allows a number of different resolution on windows from 1280×720 up to 4K. The lowest resolution is the trickiest to work with as the GUI doesn’t have a lot of room to play around with. Which testing the game on Android (which uses the 1280×720 scale) I released that the tutorial panel and video was obscuring the ‘Begin’ level button. So I needed to tweak the positions and sizes a bit to make sure everything fit in.
I also wanted to adjust the widths of the level select screen to better utilise the width available.
1280×720 level select interface
Other fixes and changes:
The starfield display wasn’t wrapping properly at 4K and 2560×1600
Run further checks on the Android version – working great! The game is theoretically playable on phones but due to the screen size the display is rather small. Tablets will be recommended.